Every adult in the Movement needs help and support so they can carry out their role well, and more easily than if they do it on their own. The Adult Support team look at ways that adults can get the support that they need from, the Association's structure, training, Scout Active Support Units, publications, and other organisations.
Scouting is all about contributing to the development of young people - but we must also remember to support the adults that are doing this. Scouting works because so many adults give their time as volunteers in many roles including working directly with young people, administration and support.
All adults in Scouting deserve the best possible support and the Adult Support Team's job is to help this happen.
Adult support is relevant for every adult in Scouting. Everyone should know what support to expect and what support to give others. No matter what involvement you have as an adult in Scouting, there is information and support for you in the Adult Support section of Scout Association website. Information is available about the Adults in Scouting Model, and the current Adult Support topics, such as recruitment, retention, adults working in different roles, and review.